
IMPORTANT INFORMATION! If your code comes up as 'Invalid ID number' your item may be classed by IATA as Dangerous Goods, such as but not limited to: flammable liquids and aerosols. Due to delivery restrictions and special transportation requirements for Dangerous Goods, shipments of such items are not available to all destinations. If you think your item may be classed as Dangerous Goods please contact us and we will assess your shipment. Any Dangerous Goods shipments incur extra shipment costs. UK Calls: 0844 824 3115 Int Calls: +44203 761 1800

  • MailmyProperty

MailmyProperty - The Postal Service

Don't throw it away, send it by mail!

  • MailmyProperty

MailmyProperty offers a service for passengers who wish to send items from the airport. It can be either items from the lost and found department or things that are to big or heavy to put in your check-in luggage.

On our website you can decide where you want the item sent and choose your preferred payment method.

Reclaiming your item is done via our website which provides the most cost effective solution for you as a customer.
